Victory – Parental Alienation REMOVED from the Domestic Abuse Act Guidance Notes

Children need mums, not violent fathers!

As the Domestic Abuse Act was going throught Parliament in 2020 the mothers’ movement, academics and other supporters, including Women Against Rape, fought against repeated attempts by the misogynist fathers’ lobby to get “parental alienation” included in the defintion of domestic abuse. We succeeded! But there were references to “alienating behaviours” included in the Statutory Guidance, which gives details about how the Act should be interpreted. There was a consultation to which we gave evidence. The result of the consultation is that there is NO reference to “parental alienation or “alienating behaviours” in the Statutory Guidance, which is fantastic news! See the Government’s response.

We will be writing to CAFCASS who often agree with abusive fathers’ accusations of “parental alientation” against protective mothers trying to stop contact them having unsupervised contact with their children. Now that the government has agreed that there is no accepted definition of “parental alienation”, CAFCASS must stop making reference to it, or to “alienating behaviours” when providing reports to family courts.