Reunited after forced adoption: a disabled mum & her child speak out

This is the full interview which Jean Eveleigh and her (now adult) child Tye did with Channel 5 News today

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Jean Eveleigh is a member of the Disabled Mothers’ Rights Campaign. For years she fought to stop her child being forcibly adopted after her disability was ignored or dismissed as “laziness” by social workers who cruelly denied her the support she needed and was entitled to. Some years later the family court agreed the adoption might not have happened if she had had that support, but it was too late – the adoption could not be reversed. For 16 years she sent cards every birthday and Christmas and wrote letters twice a year via social services – “Letterbox contact”, the only contact she was allowed. Her daughter Tye had an unhappy adoption and found her birth mum on social media soon after turning 18, after cutting all ties with the adoptive family. Finally reunited, mother and daughter speak powerfully about rebuilding their relationship and the impact of the years stolen from them.